Friday, April 30, 2010

Sharing a prayer for today ~

Before You, Almighty God, I wait --

To hear Your voice –

Your direction for this day.

Dear, Heavenly Father,

Lead me on.

Oh, Precious, Holy Spirit

Prepare the way.

Go before and prompt my heart

To know for sure

The path that You would have me take--

Doing all for Jesus sake

In humility and with a heart that’s pure.

Janene A. Dubbeld
For God’s Glory

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What If?

It was bed time. I sat down on the edge of the bed with my two sons, ages seven and three – ready to tell them a story. They wanted it, “from a book” – so, I headed to the bookshelf, and ended up reading several Bible stories instead of just one. Then, my seven year old ask a question that many of us have asked through many election cycles. “What will happen to our country if ________ gets elected? (You can fill in the blank according to your own views.)

It stopped me for a moment. He was seriously concerned. His little mind was taking in more of the “news” and all of the happenings around him than I realized. I simply had to tell him the truth. We will still trust Jesus! Our hope is in Him. He wasn’t convinced. He asked me again, “But mommy, what will happen if . . .” Again, my assurance had to come from Truth. We will still trust in Jesus – He is our hope! He didn’t keep questioning. But, if he asks again, guess what . . . the answer has to be the same. No human being can be the resting place of the Source of our Hope for tomorrow. Jesus Christ is our Hope. (Psalm 39:7) He is our Peace that passes all understanding in a world that seems in constant conflict. (Ephesians 2:14)

Adults -- what is our responsibility to those who follow us? How should we take in what is happening around us? Bury our head in the sand, and act like it doesn’t exist? Leave the responsibility to someone else and “hope for the best?” According to II Chronicles 7:14, we have some specific things to act upon if we would like the God of Heaven to hear, and heal our land. When I look into the eyes of my children, more than ever before, the healing of our nation is my fervent desire. I long for them to be able to grow up and enjoy the freedom of worship we have today.

Notice, God is talking to us. He says, “If MY people, who are called by MY name shall humble themselves and pray. . .” there’s step one. Humbling ourselves and praying. Stopping long enough, on purpose, from our hectic schedules to get on our knees and acknowledge our incredible need of Him.

There won’t ever be “enough time” – we have to make the time for what is priority in our lives. “Seek my face . . .” step number two. Not just a prayer before we “pass the bread”, but a longing, a seeking after, a looking for HIS FACE! When we are earnestly seeking His face, He can search us, and see if there be any wicked way in us.(Psalm 139: 23-24) This leads us to step number three – whatever He shows us, actively turning away from it – making sure there are no “idols” in our life. That God is truly our FIRST priority. This obedience is the “key in the lock” that opens the door for Heaven to hear, to forgive our sins and God promises He will heal our land.

Recently, I heard of an incident where someone asked a question of this nature. “Has any nation every returned from the state of apathy.” A Jew was listening, and when he heard the question he replied with words somewhat like this, “Only one, the nation of Israel.”

Let’s make it two! May it begin right here, right now!? What if we take time!? What if we humble ourselves and pray!? What if we seek His face!? What if we turn from our wicked ways!? God keeps His promises we know!

Our obedience needs to be immediate. We need to begin today. There isn’t another moment to lose. We can’t let it be like the proverbial beginning of a diet . . . tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. What if we begin today? What if we wait?

By: Janene A. Dubbeld

Take It With You

“If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14

Monday, April 26, 2010

Pick Up the Tools

“Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord of Hosts” (Zechariah 4:6b)

The sun is coming up – a new day is dawning. Another day to serve the Lord – to live in His presence – to rejoice in Him. Rejoice! He is Immanuel – God with us! Rejoice! He has come to surround us – and to fill us with Himself. One person has said, “The task ahead of us is never as great as the Power behind us.” Our God is an awesome God, a big God, a God Whose creations are amazing – and His redemption even more so!

Our verse for today gives us the positive path to overcoming. It isn’t by our might, nor by our power, but by the Spirit of God. When His Spirit and His Power operate through us and for us, MIGHTY things are accomplished.

This verse is given to us within a book of the Bible where there is unfinished business. Zechariah is exhorting the people of Israel to finish their task – finish building the Temple. Apparently they had stopped this process half way through. Instead of a finished place of worship bringing glory to their God, they had a half built structure – testifying to the need of completion. They needed someone to come along and remind them of their calling. Zechariah is that person. Commissioned by God, he comes into the picture encouraging the people to finish their task by giving them a motivating vision of the coming Messiah – our Christ!

With their vision placed on the glories of the future, current obedience wasn’t an option. The future blessing depended on their decisive action to do what God was asking in the here and now. They had to “pick up the tools” and get the job done.

Our God is a God of the “big picture.” While we see just a portion of the view – He sees it all! When He calls us, or gives us a “job to do” it is so easy to become weary when we’re only half done. When the excitement of “new” wears off. The warfare is intense. The nights are long. There is a God! A God with a plan of which He longs for us to be a part! What a privilege!

If you are weary – find HIS strength. If your path seems uncertain – remember HE IS THE WAY! To accomplish mighty things, we must trust a mighty God. It is our obedience to do what He desires that brings the blessing He is willing to give.

Let’s “pick up the tools” and get to work! Not by our might – not by our power – but by HIS Spirit! With Him – we can!
Written by: Janene A. Dubbeld/FGG

Take it With You

“Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord of Hosts” (Zechariah 4:6b)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Water for Life

“Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime, it is the Lord who makes the storm clouds. He gives showers of rain to men, and plants of the field to everyone.” Zechariah 10:1

My mother was a very joyful person. She never drank coffee, sometimes drank tea, and every now and then she would choose some kind of soft drink. However, I remember the many times I would hear her remark, “I just need a big glass of water.” She declared that absolutely nothing could quench her thirst like pure, sparkling, tasty water. As a child, I was forever wishing she would “give in” more often to my longings for a “soda,” but as the years have passed, I find myself reaching much more frequently for a glass or bottle of water. It quenches thirst.

Mother also taught me very early in life Who was her “water for life.” She taught me by example. Many times I would burst through the closed door with some exciting news to find her kneeling at her chair in prayer. She passed on to me the eternal truth that it was Jesus Who would quench the thirst on the inside.

Life doesn’t play any waiting games. It travels steadily, carrying us along in its swift moving current. I’m no longer the “little girl” bursting through my mother’s closed door. Now, I’m a mother myself. Situations come, circumstances change, and day by day I find the deepest part of me cannot be satisfied with temporal, earthly things we touch and feel in the “now.” Family and friends are God given gifts whom I deeply love and appreciate – but even the closest of them cannot meet all the needs and demands of my hearts. That’s why God is “Emmanuel!” He IS GOD WITH US!!!

In Zechariah 10:1, we are told to “Ask the Lord . . .” We aren’t told to “ask our family,” “ask our neighbor,” “ask our friend,” -- we are to, “ASK THE LORD!” Yes, there are times when those around us help to bear our burdens with an encouraging word or act, perhaps they “talk to the Father for us,” but in reality, our deepest “soul felt” needs find that the Lord is the only lasting Source. No other person or thing in the entire universe can fill the inner need within, or fully supply our needs without. Forgetting that truth will cause us to draw water from well’s that simply aren’t deep enough. When we draw from shallow, empty well’s, our water comes up muddy. It certainly isn’t water worth drinking – and it won’t even begin to quench our thirst – or meet our deepest need.

Our only answer is to simply stop, and draw from Him – the deepest well, with the purest water! The bubbling Spring that washes away impurities! Not a mirage in the desert, but a living oasis! Jesus Christ!

Now it’s my turn to carry on the legacy. When my children burst in the door with some exciting happening, I want them to find me where I found my mom – seeking the Source. When life brings them longings I cannot quench, needs too big for me to provide, and problems I simply cannot “fix,” I want to point them to the Source of pure, satisfying, water for life.

Written by: Janene A. Dubbeld/FGG

Take it With You

“And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. Ephesians 5:2

Monday, April 19, 2010

Personal Moment

Isn’t it awesome to serve a personal God? A God who is there ALWAYS! When the day is good – when the day could have been better – we have a GOD who cares, who knows where we are, and who loves us with a love that defies human understanding.

On this Monday after Sunday . . . I want to praise Him for His protection over my son yesterday. Our family is currently singing in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our oldest son was driving from a college choir service over to sing with our family last evening. While en route, he called us with vehicle problems. Dad gave him all of the “over the phone advice” he could think of, but it was inevitable. He needed to go get him. So, he and my brother-in-law started out.

When they reached him, they discovered that his vehicle was sending gasoline to a different location than was intended. A broken gas line was allowing the needed fuel to stream out BELOW his automobile, and on to the pavement – AS HE DROVE!

In our service yesterday morning, the evangelist had proclaimed the marvelous message of the wonderful care of our God. He IS a personal God! He made His care evident to us yesterday -- He protected Vincent from what could have been a very serious situation.

Just wanted to use this moment to praise Him, and declare Him the wondrous God He is! “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:19).

Whatever the situation – He is able to handle it – we just have to let Him have it! My heart sings with the song writer, “He’s big enough to rule this mighty universe – yet small enough to live within my heart.” That’s the God I serve! Hallelujah!

Take it With You
"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Unexpected

Yes, it was a week when the unexpected came to visit. The unexpected brought the unwanted. Unwanted change. Unwanted tears. Unwanted grief. Unwanted good-byes. Yet, in the midst of it all, the hand of God remained evident. Grace, when needed, is always supplied. Pain shrouds itself to try and disguise its privilege – but its privilege shines through the comforting arms and faithfulness of God, and His people.

Just a few weeks ago, God brought me to a journal in my basement. Several years ago now, we had another “unexpected” week, and I had penned these words.

“He was gone. A dear friend of ours. Heart attack at such an early age, leaving behind a lovely wife and four beautiful children 12 and under.

We made the long journey to his funeral. On the way home we tried to process our grief. It was so difficult to understand. We trusted God’s sovereignty, but ached for the family.

I kept crying. Every few minutes I’d say, “I just can’t believe it.” Our eight year old daughter had nearly enough of my tears as her little mind could take. Finally she said, “Won’t they ever do anything fun again?”

“Oh, I’m sure they will,” I half heartedly responded.

She then began to talk about heaven – about them going there and what fun that would be – when they were all together again. In her sweet, childish way she stated, “Now that’s what I call the vacation of a lifetime!”

Oh, yes! Much more than a vacation – a forever home!

During these unexpected times, we hold tightly to the things that will not change. God’s Word stands forever. His love isn’t going anywhere. We never have to tell Him good-bye, because, “He will never leave us nor forsake us!”

During these unexpected times we draw needed strength. Strength from His Spirit, strength from His presence, strength from His promises, strength from His people. While the unexpected threatens to paralyze us with the numbness of shock, we wait. Wait for the strength to come again. We know it will come because He has promised – as your days so shall your strength be.

There is no magic formula for getting through the unexpected – only the choice to let it steady your faith rather than shrink it – to run to the Master instead of away. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. Being a Christian doesn’t exempt us from the unexpected but it does assure us of the constant of Christ! He is truly too good to allow anything in the lives of those He loves except what will weave into the tapestry of our total lives to make it beautiful in His eyes!

So, we weep because our hearts our human – but in our weeping we weep with hope – because we know Divine.

Written by Janene Dubbeld/FGG

Take it With You
“But we have this treasure in earth vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.” 11Corinthians 5:7

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What's That Smell?

It began as an “every now and then” comment in our house in Martinsville. We were experiencing a certain “aroma” – from time to time – and we would look at each other and ask, “What’s that smell?” It wasn’t necessarily a pleasant smell, so we tried to figure it out. Having small children at the time, we made sure there were no dirty diapers left anywhere, and the trash was being taken out VERY regularly. A few days passed. The aroma kept getting stronger. Our comments to each other were becoming more emphatic! “What IS that smell?” I was just certain some kind of small animal had crawled into one of our walls and died. If that was the case, it certainly wasn’t “decaying” in any quick order. The smell kept getting stronger! During this time, my in-laws were coming for dinner, and I was greatly distraught. We could NOT find the source of this smell for anything! So, we lit candles, sprayed good smelling stuff and did everything possible to distract from the detestable odor.

One morning my husband returned from taking our children to school. I didn’t know it yet, but he was determined to find the source of that smell. A few minutes later, he opened the door and his greeting was something quite simple like, “I found it!” “Found what?” I wanted to know. “The smell!”

At that time, we had an extra refrigerator in our garage. In the freezer part, I had placed a couple of turkeys. Unfortunately, something had happened to the power source of that appliance – and now, instead of turkey’s waiting for “basting” we had turkey’s sitting there “wasting!” Oh, my, it was the worst smell I had ever encountered. When we opened that freezer, I went into immediate action! I wanted those things OUT OF MY HOUSE as fast as possible!

It was hilarious to watch people walk by, or ride their bikes near our trash cans before the garbage service had collected. The sounds and facial expressions as they passed by our trash were unbelievable. We bleached, and scrubbed, and scoured -- anything to salvage our refrigerator – but it was hopeless. On the day they came to claim it for “scrap metal,” they hoisted it up into the truck. As they did, the door came open and even the “left over aroma” gave those poor people the shock of a life-time. Evidently they were normally supposed to “open it up” on the back of their vehicle, but this was obviously a different case! “Just keep the door closed” the “boss man” exclaimed. Personally – I don’t even think that thing could have been used for scrap metal.

After I get over the laugher at the comical moments of this incident, it makes me stop and think. How’s the power source? See, in the Old Testament, it was correct offerings, according to ceremonial law that caused “sweet aroma” to go up before the Lord. Now, Christ has come as our Supreme Sacrifice. It was His love for us which came up as a sweet smell to the Father. (Eph. 5:2) Only His sacrifice can cleanse the horrible stench of sin from our lives. He is our “power source!” When we “connect with Him,” follow in His footsteps, and “give ourselves” – as Romans 12:1 says – to be a “living sacrifice,” this causes a “sweet smell” to come up before the Lord. When we “stay connected,” walk in the Spirit, and give out His love, His living through us causes an aroma that not only pleases Him, but also is a blessing to those around us. No aroma of sin in the surrendered life! Just the “sweet smelling savor” of Jesus!

Written by: Janene A. Dubbeld/FGG

Take it With You

“And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. Ephesians 5:2

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

From the Inside

Springtime sunshine beckoned us with an irresistible pull. Out the door we went – heading for all the things out of doors that needed “dealt with.” We mowed grass, worked in the flower garden, burned junk . . . it was work, but it felt so good to be getting things “in shape.”

One of our bushes had gown a bit “out of control.” It also appeared to have something seriously wrong with it. Although there was a little life left, some of it was lifeless. As we began working on it, a large piece of it easily came off – leaving an open sight into the inside of one of its branches. The inside was covered in termites. Nasty, crawling termites, destroying our beautiful bush from the inside out.

My mind went immediately to the words of Jesus in Matthew 13:27. “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.”

What are we from the inside out? “Blessed are the pure in heart,” Jesus also tells us, “for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8).

The purity of heart God desires to give us results in the holy living He seeks from us. He knows we are human – He created us. But He also knows His power is great enough, His love is deep enough, His holiness is unchanging enough that when we call on Him for cleansing – He will do it. “Faithful is he who called you who also will do it” (I Thessalonians 5:24).

It is by HIS Spirit we are kept from falling. It is by HIS Spirit we overcome. In our own strength we aren’t able – but, “I can do ALL things THROUGH CHRIST who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

We are in a partnership with Christ. We surrender – and He keeps. Surrender – think on that a moment. Absolutely everything – every dream, every hope, every thought, every temptation, every trial, every good thing, every bad thing, the past, the present, and the future – everything – all of us – surrendered to ALL OF HIM! Possessing Him leaves no room within us for anything else. No room for termites – eating away our spiritual life, leaving us full of “dead men’s bones.” No room for substitutes – easing our longing for a short time only for it to come back with more fervor than before. No room for anything – but Christ and Christ alone. As He lives through us real living begins – from the inside out!
By: Janene A. Dubbeld

Take it with You

“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, is glory and majesty, Dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen” (Jude 24, 25)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Well Fed

Mmmmm . . . have you ever had one of Mom’s wonderful Sunday dinners? Roast, potatoes, carrots, corn, salad, homemade rolls, fresh brewed sweet tea, and some kind of yummy dessert. (I liked it best if chocolate was somehow involved!) Honestly, there just isn’t anything like it! And . . . served on the “good china” with enough salt and pepper shakers to go around . . . does anyone but me remember that? Oh, yes, the food was good for the body . . . but the love shared around that table . . . itt was good for the soul.

Once I had a friend who decided the best route to take for her family was to use everything organic. Her daughter told me it was not only organic food, but even organic clothes and sheets! Some of the food was so awful tasting, the children wouldn’t even eat it. It might have been good for their bodies, but simply not very palatable. Getting our families fed right these days can truly be a challenge. From all the “preservatives” in the foods that fit our hectic lifestyles, to simply keeping enough milk until morning . . . we all strive to meet the challenge of keeping our children fed and healthy.

When it comes to signs of malnutrition, in the physical sense, they are sometimes easily spotted, but often they aren’t as easily detected in spirit and soul. We as parents need to be “proactive” on the spiritual side of things. Just like there has to be food on the table in order for the family to be fed, we constantly need to be feeding on the “Bread of Life” to make sure they are spiritually provided for. Our responsibility as parents doesn’t stop with physical provision, or unconditional love. What is our passion? Do they know how much we love Jesus – love His house – love His Word? See, we can’t “bake the bread” if the “flour canister is empty.” And we can’t feed the hungry if we have no bread to give them.

It was family retreat, and breakfast was over. The sunshine beckoned, and the calls of our children on the swings took my friend, Sharene, and me out the door of the eating area and into the spacious lawn. As the children kept swinging -- we pushed, laughed, and talked. I could not help thinking, as she shared, what an inspiration she was.

It was not hard to tell what her focus was – it all bubbled over readily -- Jesus, and her family. Her words poured over my spirit with the radiance of the sun around me. She said, “Just think. When God said, ‘Let there be light,’ He could already see the cross.” He knew, and He created us anyway. She was passing out bread, because deep in her spirit, it was baked and ready. She was feeding not only her own, but those who were around her.

In John 6:35, “Jesus declared, ‘I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.’” When our souls are “well fed” we are able to feed our children with fresh, healthy, spiritual bread. Feeding on Jesus, our Bread of Life, is the best way to assure our families of absolutely awesome, nutritious, wonderful tasting, spiritual meals. He’s the Bread, He’s the Water – and with the sweet taste of His Presence, who needs a dessert?

Written by: Janene A. Dubbeld/FGG

Take it with You
“ . . . Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Matthew 4:4b

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Not Even a Handshake

To be known as a person who “keeps their word” is a treasure indeed! They say that a person’s hand-shake used to be all that was needed – along with their word. That was their contract – if it was “said,” it was as good as “done.” See, although popular opinion seems to declare, “Promises are made to be broken,” the real truth of the matter is, “promises are made to be KEPT!”

All of us have most likely known the joy of someone following through on a promise. Many of us have known the disappointment and heartbreak when someone has not followed through. However, there is One who makes promises He keeps. He is our God! The Almighty! Our Provision and our Provider! Whatever He promises He does. It might not always be in just the time frame we think He ought to do it – but if we will not get in a hurry, we will SEE His promises fulfilled.

Remember when God promised Abraham a son? Not only Abraham, but his wife Sarah even fell prey to the tempting thought that they needed to “help God out” on making sure He kept His promise. The truth was, God was faithful – whether they humanly saw His faithfulness at that moment or not. He wasn’t “backing up” on keeping His Word. It just wasn’t His appointed time to bring fulfillment to the promise given. Even after their colossal sin – that still brings repercussions to the world to this day – God still kept His promise. He gave them Isaac – who is known as “the son of promise.”

In Numbers 22 & 23, there is another incredible account of God keeping His promise! Israel is God’s chosen people. As they travel to the plains of Moab, the King of Moab, Balak, and his people take a look at what God had enabled them to do to other enemies. Then, they take a look at how many of them there are. They are terrified! Balak is sure He can convince Balaam to bring a curse on these people. No matter what they tried, God would not allow it. God even made a donkey talk to get Balaam’s attention! Still, Balak was determined. Even after Balaam couldn’t do it the first time, Balak takes him to a place where he can see ALL the people. When Balaam consults with God, this is the message he receives to take back to Balak. “God is not a man, that he should lie. He is not a human, that he should change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through? I received a command to bless; he has blessed, and I cannot reverse it!” Numbers 23:19, 20 (NLT) Hallelujah! We serve the same God today! He doesn’t change His mind! He doesn’t promise and not fulfill! He keeps whatever promises He makes – we can STAND on that!

There is a wonderful, gospel song; we used to sing a lot in camp meeting. The chorus goes like this, “Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Savior. Standing, standing, I’m standing on the promises of God.” Recently, I heard a story of one of the older ladies I know that has served God for years. Whenever she was facing something extremely difficult, she would take a little card of scripture that was her promise from God, and as her reminder, she would place it in her shoe. That way, everywhere she went, she was literally standing on the promises of God!

The real affirmation of God’s promises to us is found in His Son, Jesus Christ. The NLT translation of II Cor.1:19b – 20 put it like this, “. . . and he is the Divine Yes – God’s affirmation. For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Him.” Jesus is the Way, The Truth, The Life. He is the One we can count on! His Resurrection brings our eternal life. We can rely on His Promise. His Word – doesn’t even need a hand-shake!
Written by: Janene A. Dubbeld/FGG

Take it with You
“For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God.” I Corinthians 1:20 (NIV)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Remembering Calvary

Driving down route 24, from Roanoke to Moneta, I couldn’t help but notice the moon – large, orange, and visibly sharing its stately beauty. The farther I drove the higher it rose – losing the orange glow – but possessing the silent white light that sends its glow upon the darkened earth.

Soon I was home -- weary from the day, and definitely ready for a night of rest. Just as I was headed for dream land, my husband said, “Do you see that?” “See what” I groggily responded. “Look at the moon” he replied. I dragged myself up just enough to say I saw it – but what I saw caused my weary eyes to open wide. “There’s a cross in it!” I remarked – astounded. And there was. The moonbeams were giving out their rays in the form of the cross. It was even more unique to us, because the next day was “Good Friday” – the day set aside to remember – remember Calvary.

It’s hard to imagine One so good being betrayed by someone who had been one of His own disciples! To be crucified by the very ones He came to save. Yet we ALL have sinned against Him. Those days carried the excruciating moments that He purposefully bore – clear through to the death, so we may have eternal life.

With His final words, “It is finished,” the redemptive plan was put in place. He became the greatest Sacrifice. His blood was shed to bring forgiveness – given to “cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

There was no other way to restore our broken relationship with God, our Father. No other way to redeem our soul and give us life eternal. He took it. In love that is like no other He took the way of suffering for us. He bore the Cross – and in His death we glory – for it is He who breathes in us and through us -- life.

In the hurry and scurry of getting ready for Easter morning, let’s take time to remember the cost of the empty tomb. His death upon the Cross came before the glory of the morning. He died for me – He died for you. What love! What unexplainable, matchless love!

Written by: Janene A. Dubbeld/FGG

Take it with You

“When he had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished,’” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit” (John 19:30).

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Father's World

A story is told of a pastor who lived in Lockport, New York just before the turn of the century. Maltbie Babcock by name, he would often head out to enjoy a hiking area called “the escarpment.” Heading out to walk this ancient ledge near the city, he would often declare, “I am going out to see my Father’s world.” They say the view from there was incredible indeed – taking in the “greens of farms and orchards to the blues of Lake Ontario.”

There must have been circumstances in this pastor’s life that caused the necessity to “get away” and “refocus!” To take the time to remember, simply by the beauty of the nature around him, that this world still belongs to God. When Pastor Babcock left this world in 1901, his wife gathered and published many of the writings he had penned. A friend of his, Franklin L. Sheppard put some of these words to music, and today we continue to gain strength from the reminder of the hymn, “This Is My Father’s World!”

Aren’t the words of this verse especially encouraging?

This is my Father's world. O let me ne'er forget

that though the wrong seems oft so strong,

God is the Ruler yet.

This is my Father's world: why should my heart be sad?

The Lord is King; let the heavens ring!

God reigns; let the earth be glad!

In Acts chapter 4, we find that Peter and John were boldly proclaiming Jesus, even when it wasn’t the most popular thing to do! They were facing strong opposition! Yet they boldly proclaimed that “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12 Those opposing them were astonished – for these were “unschooled, ordinary men.” But they took note that they “had been with Jesus.” (V.13) Even when given earthly “commands” to “not speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus” these men chose “to obey God rather than men.” (v.18,19) After their release, and they went back to their people, they prayed, “Sovereign Lord,” . . . “you made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and everything in them.” (v,.24) Then, on down in their prayer, they asked for BOLDNESS! Their faith in His sovereignty strong, they sought His Holy Spirit to enable them to “speak His Word with great boldness” (V.29) in spite of their circumstance.

As people of God, our hope is in the fact that our God is faithful. We must proclaim His Word -- which endures forever! (I Peter 1:25) When all is said and done, no matter how we are tempted, tested, or tried – our God is in control. In all stages of life – young, middle-aged, older; whether we have lots, or little; if we are in excellent health or overcoming sickness, our God is “rock-firm and faithful.” Psalm 73:26 (MSG) Truly my heart cries out with the Psalmist, “You’re all I want in heaven! You’re all I want in earth!” Psalm 72:25 (MSG)

When God brought this whole earth into existence, He was faithful. Peter and John and the others experienced His faithfulness – even in opposition. Pastor Maltbie Babcock realized His faithfulness in his day. Today – our God is still faithful! No matter what, when our faith is resting in the Lord, we can rely on the fact, “This is my Father’s world!”

Written by: Janene A. Dubbeld/FGG

Take it with You
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”
Psalm 73:26