Tuesday, October 30, 2012


 She came to my door, big smile in place. Her running for public office brought her to our home. She didn’t like the sign we had in our yard, and wanted to let us know that she was much more qualified for the position than her opponent.

   As we talked, the issues that are important to each of us surfaced. Did she believe in the killing of unborn babies? She dodged around the question best she could.  She wanted to make sure we knew that this position was not political. It was just the school board.

   Political? This is a political issue? I don’t think so. Many of the issues that are deemed “political” today are MORAL! The issues “so called” political stream back to the foundation of the person and what they really believe.

   Why would we want someone on a school board, deciding the educational future for our children who is ok with killing children before they are born?

   Why is it considered “politically correct” to read any other type of material in school and declare evolution as truth while not allowing the very Book our nation was founded on to be read?

    Why is it taboo to talk to the God of all Knowledge while we go to school?

    Morals matter. What we think on we become. Who we are influences everyone around us, and continues to influence for generations.

    We need to wake up. Not “everything goes.” Yet, “everything matters.” Every office is important – because it decides the moral foundation of our nation. Think long and hard -- what kind of nation do you desire for your children and grandchildren?

     Pray – and go vote.
"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." Proverbs 14:34