Friday, November 9, 2012


   How much do you want to serve God? Making HIM known has become a life-long passion of mine. Seeking Him the other day, I was praying that I could serve to the very end of my days. No matter what, that I would keep making HIM known.

   In an instant the Holy Spirit spoke in His beautiful way. He brought my mind to the phrase which churches and ministries have used as their motto: “Knowing Christ and making Him known.”

   It dawned deep in the consciousness of my spirit – making Him known effectively ties directly to how much I really KNOW HIM! Proclaiming Him is one thing. Experiencing Him and sharing Him with others is quite another.

   In the rush and hurry of this culture, it is easy to “run out the door” to serve, to give, to proclaim. But wait! Not too quickly! We cannot give away what we do not possess ourselves.

   The joy of knowing Him is worth the time. Time in His Word, time in soul communion is worth every moment spent.

   In the words of an old hymn:

“Take time to be holy,  Speak oft with thy Lord;

Abide in Him always, and feed on His Word.

Make friends of God’s children’ Help; those who are weak,

forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek.

Take time to be holy, the world rushes on;

Spend much time in scret with Jesus alone.

By looking to Jesus, like Him thou shalt be;

Thy friends in thy conduct His likeness shall see.”  Longtstaff/Stebbins

                                                                                                                                Janene Dubbeld/FGG
Take it with You

“I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.” Phillippians 3:19

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


 She came to my door, big smile in place. Her running for public office brought her to our home. She didn’t like the sign we had in our yard, and wanted to let us know that she was much more qualified for the position than her opponent.

   As we talked, the issues that are important to each of us surfaced. Did she believe in the killing of unborn babies? She dodged around the question best she could.  She wanted to make sure we knew that this position was not political. It was just the school board.

   Political? This is a political issue? I don’t think so. Many of the issues that are deemed “political” today are MORAL! The issues “so called” political stream back to the foundation of the person and what they really believe.

   Why would we want someone on a school board, deciding the educational future for our children who is ok with killing children before they are born?

   Why is it considered “politically correct” to read any other type of material in school and declare evolution as truth while not allowing the very Book our nation was founded on to be read?

    Why is it taboo to talk to the God of all Knowledge while we go to school?

    Morals matter. What we think on we become. Who we are influences everyone around us, and continues to influence for generations.

    We need to wake up. Not “everything goes.” Yet, “everything matters.” Every office is important – because it decides the moral foundation of our nation. Think long and hard -- what kind of nation do you desire for your children and grandchildren?

     Pray – and go vote.
"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." Proverbs 14:34


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Gift to Guard and Cherish

Celebrations come and go – and gifts come and go with them. We get another year older, the tie wears out, the t-shirt with “mom” on it gets a hole, the candle is now an empty jar. The tangibles given with love fade away – but the things that are known as intangible – these remain!

These are gifts to “guard and cherish!”  Jude 1:3 in the Message says it like this: “Dear friends, I’ve dropped everything to write you about this life of salvation that we have in common. I have to write insisting – begging!—that you fight with everything you have in you for this faith entrusted to us as a gift to guard and cherish.”

We live in a temporal world. A world that constantly pushes and pulls to make the tangible things those we reach for, endeavoring to turn our vision to the temporal with its beckoning glisten – only to find out – its fool’s gold. The real gifts, the ones to fight for, to guard and cherish are not necessarily seen with an earthly vision, but caught in the eyes of faith, of family, of freedom.

While reading this passage in Jude, the words seemed to nearly jump off the page! The salvation message, the Gospel truth, the entrusted FAITH is our jewel gift! Something to fight for. Something to guard. Something to cherish.

A faith to guard within the framework of our own minds. How do we guard this within us? Consistent love of His Word – learning and listening to His Holy Spirit as we read and fill our minds with what HE would have us think on. Consistent communion with our Lord – being in love with Him first and foremost. This world is still no friend of grace – which is why we must keep alert, and dressed in the full armor of God. (Eph. 6:10-19)

A faith to guard within our families. Doing this takes time in the Word, time in prayer, and time with them. Families are always growing and changing in the constant movement of living. The pressure of this world would seek to rob the minds of our children – at any age – and destroy their souls. We must GUARD them! Isolate them? Impossible. Guard them? Our responsibility. As we cherish our faith, we teach them to cherish theirs. Within the circle of family, guard and cherish the God given love for each other. This is pure gold.

A freedom to guard within our lives. Faith brings freedom! A freedom of soul, of spirit, of life that nothing else can give. Not a license to abandon the grace of God, but a freedom to live His grace, our lives a testimony of Him. Not a license to sin, a license to serve! Serve Him in love – serve others in His love – there is no price tag high enough to place on this.

We have been ENTRUSTED with this gift of faith. A gift to guard and cherish! How do we fight for it? By walking after the spirit, not after the flesh. (Romans 8) Not with carnal weapons, but those mighty in God to the pulling DOWN of strongholds. (II Corinthians 10:4) “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts.” (Zechariah 4:6)

 “Dear friends, I’ve dropped everything to write you about this life of salvation that we have in common. I have to write insisting – begging!—that you fight with everything you have in you for this faith entrusted to us as a gift to guard and cherish.”  Jude 1:3 (The Message)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Being Still . . . Even on the Curbside

   My husband and I had a friend who had a very interesting way of declaring his “down days.” He would comment that he was “lower than a pregnant ant sitting on a curbside. . .”  Just the  comment made you burst into laughter as you mentally pictured this scene . . .

  The problem is when you’re the one feeling like the ant! Somehow the statement doesn’t find the same humor. True – we have an eternal HOPE in Jesus Christ. True – nothing is impossible with God. True – our future IS bright – as bright, someone has said, as the promises of God.

  However, it is also true that we are human beings, with human emotions, and some days the skies are gray. (Then other days they may be pouring rain!)  So, what are the secrets of getting through . . . victoriously?

  Well, the Psalmist lifted His eyes to the hills – and realized His help came not from the hills, but from the Lord who made the hills. The Lord who made “heaven and earth.”

  When the Israelites were bound in slavery, their cries weren’t  falling on deaf ears. God tells Moses in Exodus 3, “I’ve taken a good, long look at the affliction of my people in Egypt. I’ve heard their cries for deliverance from their slave masters; I know all about their pain. And now I have come down to help them . . ” (Ex. 3:7-8 a The Message)

   Moses, the chosen vessel to bring deliverance is uncertain that he is up to the task! What makes him up to it? God’s promise, “I’ll be with you . . .” (Ex. 3:12 The Message)

   What is the name of our God? I AM WHO I AM! He is presently concerned with our need. He is presently able for our circumstance. He is presently enough. Yes, He always has been and He always will be – and He lives in the PRESENT with us.

   His mercy extends to the heavens – His faithfulness reaches to the skies. His love is wider, and deeper than any ocean. His power knows no limit – you cannot measure His grace.

   Looking to Him it isn’t long until our feet can find the “top of the curb!” (We may not be flying with the eagles quite yet, but we’re on our way!) He walks along side and says it’s ok – that He is working things out for the best. The heart inside remembers -- “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalms 46:10 NIV)

Janene Dubbeld/FGG

 “I will extol the Lord at all times ; his praise will     always be on my lips. My soul will boast in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and  rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name      together. I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are        radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.”

Psalm 34:1-5

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I Won't Be A Stranger

Memorial services are always such a mixture of emotions. When we know that our loved one or friend is with the Lord, we rejoice that they have made it “home,” but our own hearts grieve. The human heartache of missing them can only find it’s ultimate comfort in the Holy Spirit — God’s Comforter.

  At one such service, a dear preacher friend of ours was remembering several friends who had made the crossing to the other shore. As he was sharing, he verbalized his feelings in a rather unique way. Looking out across the crowd he said, “It kind of makes me feel like I won’t be a stranger when I get there.”

  So true. Everyone who goes on before us will be there to welcome us when it is our turn to come through the pearly gates. Oh, no! We won’t be a stranger.

  Best of all, when we have accepted salvation through Christ, and given our lives to serve Him we will know the welcome of God our Father when He says, “Well-done!” God the Son — our dearest Friend will take our hand in His nail-scarred one, as we worship Him, praise Him, thank Him for the redeeming power in the blood that fit us for such a glorious place. How we’ll praise the gift of the Father — the precious Holy Spirit for His ever present guidance as we walked in the world but not of it. Our Godhead — Three in One knows us! We certainly won’t be a stranger.

  So, when the world “down here” seems to be going cross grained with everything God has put in our hearts from the world “up there” — simply smile and listen closely! There’s a cloud of witnesses cheering us on! The band is marching to a different time. Tune your spiritual “inner ear” to hear the interceding to the Father for you!  You won’t be a stranger then, because you are not a stranger now!

   Living here is not forever — not our final home. We truly are just passing through. Like the song says:

This world is not my home, I’m just a passing through
   My treasures are laid up, somewhere beyond the blue
The angels beckon me from Heaven’s open door
   And I can’t feel at home in this world anymore.

Albert E. Brumley

   When you weep with the ache of the earthly loss you know — don’t weep without hope. There is another day coming. A day when future will be known as reality. A day when we will be “forever with the Lord.” When it comes . . . We won’t be a stranger!                                                     

    Janene A. Dubbeld/FGG

“How can I repay the Lord for all His goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” Psalm 116:12-15

Friday, June 1, 2012

Two Scenario's and a, "What If?"

Scenario #1:

She stood there for a moment – her hand on the door knob. The few extra unplanned minutes in her busy schedule nagged at her brain. It wasn’t because she couldn’t fill them; it was what to fill them with. See, ever since last Sunday’s sermon it seemed she was bothered. Bothered that she had been a Christian for so many years but seemed less passionate now that she had ever been about spiritual things.

Life was busy. It was just all the legitimate things – the day to day concerns – like now – all the stuff she needed to do loomed up and seemed to consume the person who she needed to become. She was bothered by this fact. Who was she becoming in the process?

She shut the door, dropped her keys on the table and shrugged out of her coat. On purpose she went to find her Bible, and get on her knees. It was just a few minutes – but it was a start – a way back to renewing the passion of what really mattered.

Senario #2:

He reached for the remote – after all it was time to relax a few minutes before dinner. It had been a hard day – he deserved it. Before he even turned it on he felt a twitch inside. His brain began to replay the words he’d heard in the sermon the Sunday before. He tried to shrug it off – he dropped the remote. Why was it so hard to be the spiritual leader of his home he needed to be? He worked hard to provide. He took time for the kids. Why was it His love for God seemed to find him in hot pursuit for awhile – then off to back burner? 

He picked up the remote – then laid it back down. He didn’t want it to be this way this year. He reached for His Bible, and prayed in his heart. “God, help me keep you first.” More than he knew – he was on the right track.

"What If?"

We take it literally . . .
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ ; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27 

Loving Him most and keeping Him first is always the best way to live.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nothing Lost

   The tears were flowing as his heartbroken words reached the front seat, “Please, go back . . . I lost my knife.” It was unbelievable to me! I had just returned home a few days before bringing my son this small souvenir. We had already spent the better part of another day that week, praying and searching for its “reappearance.” Now, it was lost again!

   We called “big brother” who was still at the place we had been. He searched – to no avail. We drove back and searched ourselves – it simply wasn’t there! With his name engraved on it, we were sure it would show up in lost and found – but we never heard a thing. His precious “keepsake” was gone.

   It seems like a household of seven is constantly looking for something! Even with our best intentions to “get organized” somehow items sneak out of the structure we strive for! Prayers and answers and thankful hearts are a big part of this “losing and finding” cycle . . . and I don’t think our family is alone in this!

   However, in my regular Bible reading, I ran across a Psalm the other day that GREATLY encouraged me! Psalm 36:5-7 in the NIV reads like this:

“Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies, your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the great deep. O Lord, you preserve both man and beast. How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings.”

   When I read it in The Message translation I had to stop and re-read it – and thank the Lord! It reads like this:

“God’s love is meteoric, his loyalty astronomic, His purpose titanic, his verdicts oceanic. Yet in his largeness nothing gets lost; not a man, not a mouse slips through the cracks. How exquisite your love, O God! How eager we are to run under your wings. . . “

   How lovely the thought that “IN HIS LARGNESS NOTHING GETS LOST!” He is mighty to save, mighty to deliver, and HE knows where YOU are! His salvation knows where to find you, His peace knows where you live, His provision will prove His promise. Today, find your refuge – in the shadow of HIS WINGS!

Take it with You

“O, Lord, you preserve both man and beast. How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 36:6b,7

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Only Way

   As a child, I remember singing a little chorus that went like this, “One way God said to get to Heaven, ‘Jesus is the only way,’ one way to reach those pearly mansions, ‘Jesus is the only way’! No other way, no other way, no other way to go . . . . . One way God said to get to Heaven, Jesus is the only way.”

    Perhaps you have heard the expression, “All roads lead to Rome.” In our world today, one of the most prevalent thought processes involves the idea that there are many ways to get to Heaven. This is one of the ways the enemy of our souls schemes to betray us — coming as an angel of light — mixing lie with Truth.  The light he brings only shines long enough to deceitfully beckon you to come to it. But the real truth of the matter is, that once you get there, it only provides temporal, earthly light, but brings darkness to your spiritual soul, and brings to you — eternity lost.

   When Adam and Eve chose to disobey God, they made a choice that not only affected them, but the entire human race. The relationship between them and their Heavenly Father was severed. Sin had entered the picture, and sin cannot enter Heaven.

   To heal this broken relationship, a plan had been formed. Formed in the mind and heart of a loving God. A plan of restoration — a plan of redemption. Until Christ came, His chosen people carried out a type of this plan by sacrificing lambs, and following ritual.

   But when Jesus came — He finished once and for all the need of a Sacrifice. He was the Sacrifice — not only for one race, but for the entire world!

   Exclusive? Oh, no — He is INCLUSIVE! I Peter 3:9 tells us that he is “. . . Longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” All that’s necessary is to believe and accept Him for WHO HE IS!

   For “illustrations sake” — It’s a little like this. My name in this world is Janene. No matter what you say or believe, my name is Janene. That is simply who I am. You can call me Ruth, or Debbie, or Misty — but my name is still Janene. You can BELIEVE sincerely that my name is something else — you can even call me something else, but I am still Janene.

   The deluded lie of Satan constantly desires to twist or cloud the view of Who Jesus REALLY is. He is the Messiah, the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world. This truth remains — no matter what. “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life, No one comes to the Father except through Me (John 14:6). This is an absolute Truth. Jesus is our Way to reconciliation with God the Father — our Way to eternity in Heaven — Jesus is the only Way.

   Pilate asked this question on that fateful day, “What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” He asked it of the crowd — we must ask it in our hearts. It’s our choice — accept Him or reject Him — because no matter what — He will continue being Who HE IS!  Jesus — I accept You all over again for Who You Are! Thank You for saving me! Amen.

By: Janene A. Dubbeld
For God's Glory
Take it With You
“The next day John saw  Jesus coming toward him, and said, ‘Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!’”
John 1:29 
“And he brought them out and said, ‘Sirs, what must I do to be saved?’ So they said, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.’” Acts16:30,31

Friday, May 11, 2012

Moms -- Do Your Best, Surrender the Rest!

The word, “mother” brings with it a whole vocabulary of thought. The heritage of a mother’s love is certainly a treasure, and when her example to you has mirrored the unfailing love of our God, we have a treasured possession indeed.

   Moses lived because of the love and faith of his mother. Not just his birth, but his continued existence rested in her insight, love, and faith in action. She knew God had a plan for this child. She did everything she could to protect him — to keep him alive for as long as she could. But her faith carried her even beyond that moment. When she knew she could no longer protect him from the evil forces intent on taking his life, she surrendered him over to another who was much more capable than even she.

   Amazingly, her surrender actually enabled God to not only keep Moses safe, but to give Moses back into her care and training for yet awhile longer. Then, when the time came, she again had to release him, and trust God for the rest.

   Moses took quite a journey! His life was certainly colored with unexpected events, taking him to unexpected places. But the faith instilled in him as a child had taken permanent root. Moses was one of the most powerful leaders in history, leading God’s chosen people out of the bondage of Egypt and into freedom from slavery.

   Being a faithful mom doesn’t always afford us a top seat in the “glamour society.” Yet, when we live for Him, Proverbs 31:38 tells us our children will arise to call us “blessed.”

   Throughout God’s Word we are privileged to read many examples of mother’s of faith. Mothers like Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary — and so many more. By faith they were entrusted with the soul of a child — and by faith they surrendered them back to the God who gave them. It was then God’s purpose in their lives could be fulfilled.

   So, Mom’s whatever the “demand” of the day, YOU are valued, important, and oh, so loved!  Do your best — and surrender the rest to the One who is everlastingly able. We can trust Him with our lives. We can trust Him with our children!
 Janene A. Dubbeld/FGG
 Take it with You
“But when she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile.”
Exodus 2:3

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

You Said What?
Communication is extremely wonderful.  However, it is constantly changing – and that can be a challenge for some of us.  Letter writing used to be a love of mine – actually still would be – but times have changed.  Finally, I declared I had to do more e-mailing because that IS the way lots of people communicate!  Now there is facebook and twitter . . . and the list goes on.
You see, out in the country where we live, we don’t have the modern convenience of “anywhere internet” yet. (At least at our house.)  A few months ago, I saw a DHL truck and seriously contemplated chasing it down . . . I thought it was DSL and it was in our area . . . I thought the driver needed to know that our area NEEDS INTERNET SERVICE!!!  Thankfully I didn’t – since DHL is a delivery service that operates much like UPS – and doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with internet service. Oh, my, you should have heard my family laugh over that one! 

When I was first learning to text, I had gone to the library to check my e-mail and work on some writing.  I needed my friends e-mail address, so I gave her a call on my cell phone.  Guess what? She texted me back.  So, here I am, patiently learning this wonderful communication.  All of the sudden another text comes through from my oldest son, Vincent.  Now I’m really “high tech.”  Two people going at once. (Quit laughing teens!)  By the time we were done, I was laughing so hard it was difficult to operate under the library rule of,  “quiet please.”  Poor Vincent didn’t have a clue what I was trying to say.  I think his last text to me was, “What?”  I finally gave up and said to one of the librarians something like, “I’ll just talk to him later.”

Yes, communication has been an art since the beginning of time.  As the old adage goes, “You can’t live with it – and you can’t live without it!”  Keeping up with the most modern ways can seem exhausting at times.  But a shared smile, an “I love you,” or just sharing over a cup of coffee are communication ways that never go “out of style.”

 There is one very important place that I frequent where I am always understood.  I can bring whatever problem I have – big or small.  Sometimes I really don’t have to say much – it’s better to listen.  See, it’s the secret place where I can commune with my Heavenly Father.  He doesn’t require a certain cell phone – I’m already on His list of favorites.  It never says, “all circuits are busy now” or gets confused in the garble of text messaging.  He loves, He hears, He knows, and He cares.

   It’s amazing what communicating with Him does!  See, from the beginning of time, when He said, “Let there be light,” His Word changes things.  Bringing Him my needs is such a privilege – listening to Him speak through His Word my lifeline. In this communion, He changes me, He changes others, and He changes circumstances.  It is in the secret place with Him that I can find comfort for my sorrow, forgiveness for sin, hope for my tomorrow, and the peace of knowing that whatever happens, He is Lord.    

Take it with You
"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
Psalm 91:1

Friday, April 27, 2012

So Used to the Dark

    Early one morning my two youngest sons and I headed off to the eye doctor. They were anxious and excited – wondering if they would need glasses, and asking a million and one questions about what was going to happen.

   Together we sat in the waiting room. Together we went in to see the doctor. As he worked through the process of checking them, he turned off the light and shined his smaller light so my eleven year old could see the projected light on the wall. That left my seven year old and I sitting “in the dark.” Our eyes adjusted the dim lighting, when all of the sudden, the doctor reached over and flipped the switch – sending a flood of bright light back into the room.

   “Whoaaa,” said my youngest, “I got so used to the dark . . . “ he trailed off, rubbing his eyes. He had gotten so used to the dark he couldn’t stand the light.

   There in the eye doctors the Holy Spirit made His application. So used to the dark . . . he couldn’t stand the light. The enemy of our souls has also been called the “angel of light.” He has lots of practice at deception! Often he leads us into “gray areas” that head us into the dark . . . and before we know it, we can’t STAND the light!

   Keeping a love for the Word of God, communing with Him, and fellowshipping with those who love the LIGHT will keep us from getting used to the dark! As His Spirit lives in us, He can give us those gentle warnings that keep us from “getting used to the dark.”


Take it with You

“I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.”

John 12:46

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The "Inside" Mark

     With great anticipation we loaded up to go birthday shopping. We knew where we were headed – and were excited about the coming results! An engraved keychain – complete with an engraved PICTURE was what we were wanting.

    We made it to the store just fine, talked with the proprietors and gave the gentleman our flash drive. Now, for the waiting. It took a little time to get something like this accomplished, so, while we waited – and in between customers – the proprietors wife and I had delightful chats. She made most of the jewelry they sold in their store, and her creations were beautiful – and interesting.

    During one of these conversations she began telling me about sterling silver. Being from Columbia, gave her a delightful accent. She very emphatically told me that true sterling silver always had a mark on the INSIDE. If it didn’t have the INSIDE mark, it wasn’t true sterling – no matter what the advertisement said, or any sales person tried to tell you.

    “In my country,” she continued, “we always look for the inside mark.”

    Right there in the store – birthday shopping – it hit me. As followers of Christ, we are also citizens of another country! Citizens with an INSIDE mark!

    The precious blood of Jesus changes our hearts – and our citizenship! Being crucified with Christ marks us with the Cross. His resurrection power leaves the stamp of eternal life – and the indwelling of HIS Holy Spirit engraves Christ likeness deeper each day.   

    “Oh, God help me be STERLING! True blue – engraved with the inside mark of YOU!”
By: Janene A. Dubbeld/FGG
Take it with You

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself.

Philippians 3:20 & 21

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

On the Search

On the Search 
   Not long ago our family was coming from Indiana to Virginia for a visit and a birthday party! Late one night – or should I say early one morning – some of them arrived. We laughed and talked in spite of the hour, and then everyone crashed, getting ready for a couple of big days of celebration to come.
   Early the next morning preparations began. Some of us were in the kitchen; some of us were in the yard when my husband’s parents arrived. Those of us in the house gave our hugs and welcome’s and kept on working. I had just started to wonder if my husband knew his folks had arrived when I saw his mom scurrying through the door. “Had to go out and see my son,” she said. I realized what had happened. She had seen him – where he was – working on a lawn mower. She didn’t wait for him to finish, come in, clean up, and give her a proper hug and welcome. She walked across the unmown, dew laden grass, out to our shed to see her son!
   For the next few days the scene didn’t leave my mind. The Holy Spirit was reminding me through this everyday incident of the grace of our matchless, seeking, Savior! He is on the search! The plight we find ourselves in is no match for His mercy. No excuse holds back the pursuit of His love. No dilemma is too big for His grace.
   In fact, He left HEAVEN in search of each one of us. His search took Him to an old rugged Cross where He shed HIS blood for our sins. He doesn’t wait for us to become all proper and clean on our own. We can’t! It’s His blood that washes us and makes us clean! His arms are open – ready for the hug! Will you receive His love today?
   And to those of us who know Him . . . He wants us to join Him on the search . . .

By:Janene Dubbeld/FGG

Take it with You

“For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.” Luke 18:11

Wednesday, February 29, 2012



Not for fame or fortune would I follow
Fleeting things that cannot satisfy –
I abandon all to hold You closely
To Hear Your sweetest breath
To catch a wistful sigh – 

And then I run to do Your bidding
Once I understand Your heart –
How I long to only move
Within desires YOU impart. 

No intellect to prove –
No judgment stone in hand –
I hear the intake of  Your   breath – Your Word
I bend my knee and stoop---
To write within the sand. 

Take all my willful longing
Any hint of pride
I lay them down for cleansing
At Your wounded side. 

There is no glory of my own
That won’t result in shame –
I seek the honor only of
Your name. 

Calm the rush and hurry
That deafen sounds of You –
Closer, Father, Closer!
Draw me closer now to You.
O many I please intensely the depth of Who You are
This is no simple wish upon a star ---

 But longing – longing mixed with joy
To clasp Your hand!
And trace the markings here –
Within the sand.

                               By:  Janene A. Dubbeld
For God’s Glory

Monday, February 20, 2012

Lifetime Love

It was back in the day of simpler times. She was young -- very young in fact. He was older -- not that much, but enough that they were able to be married and begin married life -- together. Blessed with twelve children, the road of their life had many twists and turns, but, whatever came, they met it -- together.

Dating their grandson, he and I took a trip. A trip back to the state of Michigan to meet his grandma and grandpa Dubbeld. By this time, Grandpa had undergone surgery for cancer in his throat and he talked through a little machine -- but they had weathered this storm -- together.  Learning to understand him was difficult for me -- but Grandma could. The smiles they shared back and forth -- the easy going chuckles -- these were some of the very first evidences I saw of a deep and lasting love.
Grandma had a specialty from her many house in the kitchen -- homemade bread. Grandpa AND the family benefited from this dough mixed with love. We enjoyed it -- TOGETHER.

The read the Bible every day -- taking turns reading -- together. They loved to play Scrabble -- together. In the early retirement years, they took many "breakfast dates" right to the Golden Arches -- together.

The years went by, and every time we visited them we saw their deep commitment to the Lord and to each other. They changed, they got older, but the glimmer in their eyes for one another never faded. They were always -- together.

Grandma liked any kind of flower, but Grandpa had a favorite. Grandpa especially liked yellow roses. They had some in their nicely kept yard at the house beside the railroad tracks.  He enjoyed them immensely as they sat on their porch -- simply being together -- watching the trains go by.

Then the "golden years" began to fade, and nursing home days came calling.  Now they were both in the same nursing home -- same room -- together. Grandma became bedridden, but Grandpa's love was deep. He would get out of his bed, into his wheelchair, sit beside her bed and hold her hand all day if possible -- they were together.

From the nursing home bed, Grandma secretly called in one of her daughters. She had a request -- not for herself, but for the man she still loved so deeply. See, it was the time of year for yellow roses. Would her daughter please go to their yard and bring some in -- for Grandpa?
Her "love of a lifetime" was still her lifetime love!

Her selfless act of love from the bed of a nursing home inspires my heart today. They both knew the secret of a love that lasts. True love is commitment -- pass it on!

Take it with You

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. it alway protects, always trusts, always hopes, always persevered. Love never fails. . ." I Corinthians 13; 4-8a

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

When God Comes Back

   Hurriedly I scurried around the house.  Focused on the many things that were waiting on me I was getting ready quickly when a little voice broke into my consciousness. “Mom, what’s it gonna be like when God comes back?”

   “When God comes back?” I echoed. “You mean when Jesus comes again?”

   “Yeah,” he responded.

   “Oh,”  I said excitedly, “the trumpet is going to sound, and . . .”

   “What about the big book?” He interrupted me. “The big book?” I asked, as I continued in my rush . . . “Oh, you mean the Book of Life.”

    “Well,” I started . . .

    “Where is it?”  He continued.

    “It’s in Heaven,” I began my explanation. “Your name has to be written in the Book of Life for you to go to . . .”

      “Mom,” he said in an exasperated tone, “I’m trying to tell you something here.”

 That stopped me in my tracks.

    “You know that flower I said I made?”  I had to think a moment . . . then, I remembered. He had gotten some clay like sticks for Christmas and had brought me the prettiest flower.

    “Yes,” I answered.

    “I really didn’t make that, Elena did.”

 I went over and sat on the bed. His little heart was convicted! He had told a lie! And while it wasn’t earth shattering to anyone else, He knew He couldn’t get into Heaven with black in his heart. This had to be dealt with – it mattered big time in the building of his character as well as his eternal life! Thanking the Holy Spirit for his tender heart I left what I was doing and went over to where he was.

     I sat on the bed and we talked about it. I explained that I loved him because he was my son, not for what he could do. We talked about the “Book of Life” and how the Bible tells us a choice to lie doesn’t make Heaven our home – but Hell instead!

   He prayed and asked Jesus to forgive him, and asked those involved for forgiveness, too. Peace pervaded His heart as he knew his name was in the book of life.

   My rush to begin the day was interrupted – but somehow, I felt the most important thing of my whole day had just happened . . .

   “Mom, what’s it gonna be like when God comes back . . .”

    Jesus, keep me ready!
Take it with You

“He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone,  which is the second death.” Revelation 21:7 &8

Other scriptures:  Revelation 21:22-27
I Thessalonians: 4:16-18

Friday, January 13, 2012

Living Matters

   Did you know that Shimea had sixteen sons and six daughters, and they kept good family records? Did you know that Meshobab, Jamlech, Joshah the son of Amaziah . . . . as well as others in this family were leaders and they prospered and increased in numbers until they had to go looking for pasture . . . and they found it – “lush pasture, lots of elbow room, peaceful and quiet?” (I Chronicles 4)
   Did you know that God helped the families of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh when they fought against the Hagrites, Jeture, Naphish, and Nodab? Did you know that He helped them because they cried out to him during the battle – he answered their prayers because they trusted in Him? (I Chronicles 5)
   Did you know that David put people in charge to lead music in the house of the Lord after the ark came to rest there? (I Chronicles 6) Did you know that Zelophedhad had only daughters, and that Asher’s sons were all responsible, brave in battle, and excellent in character? (I Chronicles 7)
   By now you may be wondering – why does this matter? When I started reading I Chronicles I sort of thought the same thing. What in the world could I get out of this book of the Bible? Then, the Holy Spirit began to speak to my heart. ALL of these people have a place in carrying out HIS will for the world!
   Not just Adam, Abraham, Ruth, and Esther. Not only David, and Solomon, and Elijah, and Jonah . . . but the less familiar names as well. The fact is LIVING MATTERS! Life is a gift from God and what we do with the gift He has given us is important.
   His redemptive plan for the entire world is in motion – and all of us have a place within HIS plan. We are part of something so much bigger than the here and now. Everything matters.
   Do you think the sons and daughters of Shimea had any idea that it would be recorded in God’s Word that they kept good family records – or that Asher’s sons knew we would be reading in 2012 that they were responsible, brave in battle, and excellent in character?
   Nope. They just lived, every day, and their living is recorded.
   Today – live it to the fullest! Be EVERYTHING God wants you to be! Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing – give it your BEST! Living matters – now, and eternally!                                        

Take it with You

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20