Remember when you were just a little thing – it seemed like the spirit of Christmas was receiving didn’t it? Perhaps it was a shiny red bike, or a certain kind of doll. Or, maybe it was simply to have the good fortune to retain a stocking void of coal! At any rate, there is usually at least one thing a child wants for Christmas. Oh, sure, we strive to teach them that it truly is “More blessed to give than to receive,” but it usually takes a few more years of maturing before the reality of that verse really sinks in.
It’s true though, just the same. The Spirit of Christmas is giving! We hurry and scurry to buy things to GIVE. We bake and re-make to have something to GIVE. We hide things and grin – hoping they won’t discover what’s hiding under the quilt – it was too awkward to wrap . . . and we who are doing the “hurrying” and “baking,” the “hiding” and “grinning” are ever so anxious to see them receive it – or watch them open it . . . why? Because we’ve found out the secret – the secret the Father started on that first Christmas so long ago – it really is more blessed to give than to receive.
Sometimes our “giving” requires something on our part. Perhaps we take on a part time job for the holiday season. Maybe it is the gift of time – time spent at a craft table – time spent in the kitchen – or for some (bless their hearts) time spent at a sewing machine. Whatever it requires – it always seems worth it doesn’t it, when we are able to reach our goal, and give away what we worked so hard for.
A few years ago, I was trying to make ends meet at Christmas time when I heard a phrase that stuck with me. Someone said, “The best gift you can give away is a part of yourself.” So, I started thinking about that idea, and since I love to write, I started in writing poems for different friends. Guess what? They loved it! It took a lot of “brain power” and “heart felt love” and that meant something more than what my limited resources could have possibly provided.
To stop a moment and ponder what it really cost the Father for Him to give His gift makes me literally shake my head in wonder. He truly was giving the gift of Himself when He sent Jesus, to earth. He didn’t even send him to a palace where things were lovely – and there was always enough of everything. He didn’t even make sure the nursery had a plush new crib waiting his arrival. When Jesus came – God sent him humbly so we would never question – He came as the Savior for all.
Christmas is a season for giving. In all my years of gift giving, I’ve never had someone push my gift away and say, “I don’t want a gift from you.” (Maybe some of you have experienced the pain of such rejection.) The Love of God the Father has known the pain of that rejection – knows it still – every day. Whenever someone refuses to allow Jesus to be Savior and Lord – they are rejecting the gift of the Father. The gift of His love. The gift of His sacrifice. The gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. He truly is the greatest gift of all. Receive Him freely today!
By: Janene Dubbeld/FGG
Take it with You
And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35
1 comment:
Pastor Clemens spoke on the "Best Christmas Ever" yesterday. He gave us the gifts Jesus gives us...I'm hoping I won't let my busyness push Him away.
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