Wednesday, February 29, 2012



Not for fame or fortune would I follow
Fleeting things that cannot satisfy –
I abandon all to hold You closely
To Hear Your sweetest breath
To catch a wistful sigh – 

And then I run to do Your bidding
Once I understand Your heart –
How I long to only move
Within desires YOU impart. 

No intellect to prove –
No judgment stone in hand –
I hear the intake of  Your   breath – Your Word
I bend my knee and stoop---
To write within the sand. 

Take all my willful longing
Any hint of pride
I lay them down for cleansing
At Your wounded side. 

There is no glory of my own
That won’t result in shame –
I seek the honor only of
Your name. 

Calm the rush and hurry
That deafen sounds of You –
Closer, Father, Closer!
Draw me closer now to You.
O many I please intensely the depth of Who You are
This is no simple wish upon a star ---

 But longing – longing mixed with joy
To clasp Your hand!
And trace the markings here –
Within the sand.

                               By:  Janene A. Dubbeld
For God’s Glory

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Never let the vision die! He is real, and using you for His glory!