Yes, it was a week when the unexpected came to visit. The unexpected brought the unwanted. Unwanted change. Unwanted tears. Unwanted grief. Unwanted good-byes. Yet, in the midst of it all, the hand of God remained evident. Grace, when needed, is always supplied. Pain shrouds itself to try and disguise its privilege – but its privilege shines through the comforting arms and faithfulness of God, and His people.
Just a few weeks ago, God brought me to a journal in my basement. Several years ago now, we had another “unexpected” week, and I had penned these words.
“He was gone. A dear friend of ours. Heart attack at such an early age, leaving behind a lovely wife and four beautiful children 12 and under.
We made the long journey to his funeral. On the way home we tried to process our grief. It was so difficult to understand. We trusted God’s sovereignty, but ached for the family.
I kept crying. Every few minutes I’d say, “I just can’t believe it.” Our eight year old daughter had nearly enough of my tears as her little mind could take. Finally she said, “Won’t they ever do anything fun again?”
“Oh, I’m sure they will,” I half heartedly responded.
She then began to talk about heaven – about them going there and what fun that would be – when they were all together again. In her sweet, childish way she stated, “Now that’s what I call the vacation of a lifetime!”
Oh, yes! Much more than a vacation – a forever home!
During these unexpected times, we hold tightly to the things that will not change. God’s Word stands forever. His love isn’t going anywhere. We never have to tell Him good-bye, because, “He will never leave us nor forsake us!”
During these unexpected times we draw needed strength. Strength from His Spirit, strength from His presence, strength from His promises, strength from His people. While the unexpected threatens to paralyze us with the numbness of shock, we wait. Wait for the strength to come again. We know it will come because He has promised – as your days so shall your strength be.
There is no magic formula for getting through the unexpected – only the choice to let it steady your faith rather than shrink it – to run to the Master instead of away. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. Being a Christian doesn’t exempt us from the unexpected but it does assure us of the constant of Christ! He is truly too good to allow anything in the lives of those He loves except what will weave into the tapestry of our total lives to make it beautiful in His eyes!
So, we weep because our hearts our human – but in our weeping we weep with hope – because we know Divine.
Written by Janene Dubbeld/FGG
Take it With You
“But we have this treasure in earth vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.” 11Corinthians 5:7
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