Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Promise of Spring

All of the sudden, in the garden, there are these glowing spots of yellow! There they are -- spreading a splash of color over the still mostly brown earth. “Spring is coming,” they seem to say, as they nod their cheery heads at those who choose to take a moment and enjoy their beauty.

They have been in the earth all winter, getting ready. Ready to herald the announcement as one of the first flowers of spring -- announcing the seasons are once again changing . . . and warmer days are coming! With stem straight and green – and blossoms translucent in their color, they offer to us yet another message of hope, of promise.

In the dark, damp earth of winter they have waited. But not forever!!

When it was time, they came bursting forth with a silent vigor. Boldly they declare again the intricate design of their Creator!

Nature teaches us from its seasons – and its lessons echo into our lives. Lessons like -- winter doesn’t last forever. And . . . even its darkness prepares those willing to wait for a spring time sent from God’s own hand! Each season has a purpose – each purpose has a home – within the plan of our Creator.

When we’re His we can rest assured there is no season He won’t help us walk through. Boldly follow – unafraid – He knows the seasons and their changes, and He remains, changeless!

Take it with You

“. . . Don’t be afraid, don’t waver. March out boldly tomorrow – God is with you.” II Chronicles 20:17b

1 comment:

Jen said...

Thank God for seasons!!

The dark night of winter makes spring that much brighter.