Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Day With Dad

   One of our children was struggling. Changing schools had been difficult -- and anyway, he would rather be playing ball -- or drums. His dad and I sat down one day and talked things over. While we firmly believe in Biblical discipline, we felt this situation needed a different kind of motivation. So, we talked with our son.
What is the one thing he would really like to do at the end of the year if he finished well?
   Quick as a blink of your eye he answered. He didn't want a new toy, or some kind of physical object. He wasn't looking for a monetary reward, or certain kind of candy . . . he simply wanted a day ALL BY HIMSELF with Dad!
   We were living in Florida at the time and had been blessed with a pass to Sea World. All year there was a goal. A goal held right in the front of my son's mind. Do your very best this school year -- and receive a day with Dad -- all my yourself. No sharing him with siblings or mom or work . . . just fun with Dad.
   "Do your best" were the instructions. We didn't decide for him what his best would produce. If it wasn't straight A's, but he was still doing his best, that was ok. We were looking to help him discover the responsibility of giving his best at all times -- even when it wasn't his "favorite" thing to do!
   The year came to a close. To be honest, I don't remember what his grades were, but I do remember the impact his "day with Dad" had on him. Why? To this day they still talk about it! "Remember when we rode the Kracken fifteen times before noon . . ." (Or how ever many. I would have been sick as a dog!)
   The desire of my son to be with his dad parallels a cry of my own heart. Intimate time with my Heavenly Father. Times when He hears my heart and understands. Times when He actually listens -- as no other would or could. Sometimes, I just need a day with Father!
   When "doing our best" results in a grade less than an "A" he sees beyond our inability right to the heart of the matter. Lovingly he cares for His own -- however they need it. He doesn't give up nearly as quickly as a human mind. Carried on His love, His ultimate wisdom teaches and leads us. Not crushing, not overbearing, not accusatory -- but gentle -- as a shepherd!
   We can rest -- in Him! 

Take it withYou
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6

1 comment:

Gail Gore said...

Sis. Janene, this was a blessing to me this morning. It really touched my heart. Blessings....