Wednesday, May 12, 2010


It was a beautiful Florida morning. After dropping my three oldest children off at school, I was driving home to complete the duties of the day. I turned out of the school and reached the first stop sign. I kept feeling impressed that I needed to turn around and go back to the school. “Lord, do I need to go back?”

The impression persisted, and although I couldn’t figure out why, I began turning my vehicle around and heading back to the school. As I turned, my eyes discovered the reason I was feeling so impressed. There sat their lunches – still in the van!

As I dropped off the lunches, I was sharing my story with a lady, when her words penetrated the consciousness of my soul. “You must be a really good listener,” she said. A really good listener. Wow! What a thought. That is certainly what I desire to be! A sensitive listener to the Holy Spirit, and ready to obey immediately whatever He is saying.

Awareness of His Presence always seems to prevail when I’ve taken time to be with Him. He is an ever present help. His Spirit is come to be our helper, our comfort, our guide. Hearing Him is the key. He can’t warn us of a pitfall if we aren’t taking time to listen. We can only revel in the embrace of His, “I love You” when we know He’s saying it to us.

The tentacles of busyness consistently threaten to wrap around us, squeezing out the sensitivity of our inner listening ears. Before we know it other sounds clamor for significance, and grab our attention – moving us away from the sensitive listening moments with our Lord.

He IS speaking! Yes, in our time, in our day – He is speaking – we just have to take the time to hear Him – to love the listening – to embrace obedience.

To hear your gentle whisper is the longing of my soul

To feel your love embrace, and fill my need to make me whole

“I dare not ask to choose my path” – You know the reason why

I only choose to hear Your voice, and take Your way – not mine.

Take It with You

“Then he was told, "Go, stand on the mountain at attention before GOD. GOD will pass by.” A hurricane wind ripped through the mountains and shattered the rocks before GOD, but GOD wasn't to be found in the wind; after the wind an earthquake, but GOD wasn't in the earthquake; and after the earthquake fire, but GOD wasn't in the fire; and after the fire a gentle and quiet whisper.” I Kings 19:11&12 (The Message)


Pamela Kuhn said...

I needed that!

Robin muldoon said...

I have not been on your blog for a while, but I felt compelled to read it today! I needed to read about listening and trusting in God. I long to hear his whispers and today was such a tough day at work, that your God inspired words fill me with hope. Thank you Janene!