Friday, January 21, 2011

Taking Possession

Remember the excitement of receiving the keys to your new place to live? Perhaps it was a different apartment . . . Or maybe it was your first home to “own.” You were excited and could hardly wait to “take possession” and make it identifiably yours.

You weren’t looking to move in your neighbor’s furniture, or set up their array of family pictures. You weren’t planning to store their tools in your garage, or take along their unique fishing rod. You endeavored to make your place of living “homey” for you and your family by “taking up possession” and moving right on in.

In our individual, personal, intimate relationships with our God, He has land that He wants us to possess! If we are blessed with a Christian heritage, he doesn’t want us to endeavor to make it to Heaven on Grandma’s religion, or try and “sneak in the pearly gates” on Mama’s prayers. (By the way, that won’t work anyway!) Perhaps none of our family before us has made the choice to follow Jesus — He wants us to know we are still candidates to follow Him earnestly and completely. He has much more of Himself He desires to give us, much more of Himself that He wants us to possess.

However possessing isn’t always an easy “walk in the park.” it involves commitment, dedication, seeking Him, walking in obedience . . . Faith in action!

Joshua was a decisive leader who did just what it took to possess what God had for Him — He put his faith into action. When Ephraim and Manasseh came requesting more territory because their numbers were so great, they were given the hill country . . . But they had to clear it first! Cut down the trees . . . And all the hard work along with it to possess their land. He encourages them in the face of their enemies that they are strong, and can do what is necessary to possess what they need so desperately.

The only thing that is absolutely necessary for us to possess is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is a relationship that can grow richer and fuller with each passing day. Once we begin pursuing Him with a passion, what we really think we “need” becomes swallowed up into the reality of who He really is. He really is all we need! Let’s pursue Him, let’s possess Him, let’s take the spiritual ground He has for us . . . Whatever the cost, today!

By: Janene A. Dubbeld/FGG 

Take it with You
"You are numerous and very
powerful. You will have not only one
allotment but the forested hill country as well. Clear it, and it’s farthest hills will be yours; though the Canaanites have iron chariots and though they are strong, you can drive them out.”             
Joshua 17:17B-18

“How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that the Lord the God of your fathers, has given you?" Joshua 18:3

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