Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Jesus reserved His “harshest tones” for those who thought they were too “good” to reach out to the sinner. “Too righteous” in outward appearance to get down to the brass tacks of really living. Carefully they observed every jot and tittle of the law – most of which they had created and wiggled around to make it “palatable” for their deeds, while remaining “religious.”

When faced head on with their hypocrisy, He didn’t make excuses for them, or dodge the issues. He faced them head on, pointing each time to the inner issues of heart and soul which cause the stink in the first place.

Why do we tend to head toward focusing on an “outer image” instead of an “inner image?” What is it about us that falls so easily into a religious sort of pride or a worldly sort of pretended image? Both are falsified pretenses which lead to lives resulting in inner absence of truth and imbibing empty philosophies which make room for trash. Behind pompous religion – into empty image -- the results are the same. A gagging, odor of stinkin’ garbage.

Many of us PAY to have our household garbage removed. Those of us who “take it out” to a dump somewhere aren’t usually “jumpin at the chance.” It’s a duty that simply has to be done – and the sooner the better!

The only price needed to remove our “inner garbage” has already been paid. So, you’ve heard it before. . . take a moment to pause and remember its EVERLASTING SIGNIFICANCE.

Christ didn’t come to purchase a religion that we must “work effectively” in order to enter the pearly gates. He came to take AWAY our sin and establish RELATIONSHIP! Not a relationship of “image to keep up” but a relationship where HE MUST INCREASE and I MUST DECREASE!

A relationship where I love Him so much I can’t bear not to talk to Him or hear from Him. A closeness with Him that results in desire for nothing less that all of Him – that seeks His purifying Presence as the number one priority of living. A hunger for the Holy which can be satisfied with nothing less than Him within.

His life within constitutes a whole new lifestyle. His heartbeat is mine. His love pours into every part of me flowing out into the world around me leaving behind pride, image, or pretense – living Christ.

O God! My heart cries out to You – saturate me with so much of You til I can truly live not I, but Christ.

Take it With You

“But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ.” Philippians 3:7

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