Thursday, July 1, 2010

Finding More Power

It used to make me wonder how people could be so thankful for their valleys. Pain never seemed a “pleasantry” to me. Given the chance I considered avoidance better than endurance! Then, one day it dawned on me – the mountain top is sweeter – after the climb.

What’s even more amazing is that even in the valley we are not alone! We could never know the sweet light of His Presence in the same way if we had never experienced the night of the trial. Never experience the healing grace the way we do if we never experienced the pain. Never know the result of “rejoicing always” if it never was a SACRIFICE of praise!

Life, on this big round globe called earth will forever bring the unexpected. God is bigger than life. He has Power for us that we would never know is available – if we didn’t need it.

When the road takes an unexpected turn – HE is there. He longs for us to turn TO Him in our time of need. He knows the path quite well. Remember – He walked the Via Dolorosa for us.

An acquaintance of mine recently lost her daughter in a tragic accident. One afternoon, she and her husband pulled into the school parking lot to get their son from day camp. As she got out of the car, I went over to speak with her. She never mentioned the accident, or her daughter, but talked of Heaven and the joys that wait for us there. We shared a few minutes about how we would love it when we got to our final home . . . then, at the end of the conversation she said, “We have this blessed hope!”

We do! It bursts through the blackness of our night, pushing back the despair and gloom and leaving us finding “more power than we ever dreamed” IN THIS LIFE. It carries us through the hard times with the realization that today is not forever! Our hope is in HIM – today . . . tomorrow . . . and always!

Take it with You
“Keep your roots deep in him and have your lives build on him.” Colossians 2:6

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