John 1:1-5
We had a day off from school. I wasn’t sure who was more excited – me or the kids! It wasn’t like we didn’t have any other “pressing duties” of the day – but at least we could rest in a little longer than normal – or so I thought. I’m sure it wasn’t light outside yet when he stood beside my bed. I mumbled some kind of good morning to my young son -- wishing at that moment he wasn’t such an early riser! (He had fallen asleep before we had even made it home the night before.)
He wanted me to get up – but for a very good reason – he was asking me to come and read the Bible with him. I told him I would, begged for a few more moments of rest, and kept my eyes closed. He was very patient. He went off to play – or do some kind of quiet activity for awhile.
Soon, I stumbled to the living room. I was communing with the Lord quietly inside my mind – still trying to awaken to the day around me. The next thing I knew, here was my son, beside me again. “I’m ready,” he said quietly. “Ready?” My mind was still foggy – trying to focus on what I was supposed to be ready for. “There’s no school today,” I said – noticing he was in his uniform. However, he informed me he already knew that. “Ready . . .” I was still trying to figure this out. “No,” he said, “ready to read the Bible.” I got it! He hadn’t forgotten for one moment! He had a goal on his mind and though he was still waiting his mind remained clear. READ THE BIBLE WITH MOM!
He opened the chest where our Bible’s, devotionals, and writing materials are kept. I had taken the Bible’s with me the day before, so it wasn’t there. “Go out and get my green bag on the table,” I told him. He kept persevering! He didn’t just get the green bag; he brought the Bible out of the green bag! Soon we were seated in the living room together, reading a story from Genesis 15 together. Wouldn’t you know it – it was just what his mom needed for the day.
Such a priceless treasure – the gift of my child – and the timeless Word of God. Our days seem to hold more than we are humanly capable of accomplishing many times – but one thing must remain priority – time with Jesus and His Word. There is no substitute! We find the strength we need to face our day – in His Presence. We find the Wisdom we need to face life’s challenges within His Word. The more we read it, the more we need it! The more we listen to it – the more we hunger after Him.
The determination of my young son taught me a big lesson that day. He waited, but he wouldn’t be put off! He didn’t get “busy doing something else” and forget to come back to priority! He wasn’t “weary in his waiting.” He overcame the circumstances and didn’t make excuses when the Word wasn’t where he thought it would be. He sought – he found – he read. His reading didn’t just benefit him! Immediately the words stuck a chord in the heart of his mother reading with him also. Yes, the Bible also says, “a child shall lead them . . .”
So . . . my “day to rest in” had an early beginning – but I wouldn’t shut my eyes for anything to miss these “early morning blessings!”
Janene Dubbeld FGG
Take it with You
“And he believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness”
(Genesis 15:6).
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