Monday, March 29, 2010

How Will We Crown Him?

Psalm 116
The amazing fact of the Christian faith revolves around the eternal immanence of the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Circumstances don’t increase or decrease it. Surroundings don’t dictate it. Happenings don’t change it. The fact remains – He is Lord.

Belief in this fact is beneficial to the person who accepts it by faith – but it truly has no bearing on Who He is. He is still Lord whether we believe or not. The consequences for those who don’t believe are brought on by their own unbelief. He is available to all – is no respecter of persons – and forever possess a character of love – that’s WHO HE IS!

Faith comes into the picture when the world around us defies His Lordship. When we are tempted to doubt because of circumstance or happening – that’s when faith grabs hold of the fact that HE IS LORD. It the darkest hour it clings to Him and finds Him faithful.

The manger situation didn’t matter – His Lordship remained. A boy growing up in a poor carpenters shop – He is still Lord. A man, walking the dusty roads of His country – for His people – still Lord. For a momentary day they recognized Him – calling, “Hosanna, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” Still Lord. But the next week, when they shouted, “Crucify” – yet even then, He is still LORD!

The comfort and confidence we possess as followers of Christ today is in this Truth – He is Lord. How do we choose to crown Him? What do we choose to do with Him? Our decision doesn’t change Him, but allows Him to change us. It makes all the difference for us now – and eternally.

They waved their palm branches, and shouted His name –

Jesus! Blessed is He

But quickly their cries, turned to, “Crucify,”

And they crowned Him with thorns, their King.

He is still King! He is still Lord!

And I choose to crown Him King

I won’t crown Him with thorns

I’ll crown Him as my Lord –

I choose Jesus, above everything.

Resurrected, He stands – Love prints in His hands

Jesus – precious is He

King of all Kings! He remains and will be

For all of eternity

Written by: Janene A. Dubbeld/FGG

Take it with You

“You who fear him, trust in the Lord – He is their help and shield” (Psalm 115:11).

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