Monday, March 1, 2010

Pain in the Process

Colossians 3
Have you been slapped in the face — hit in the gut until your breath was taken away? Maybe you’ve had a wound that was beginning to heal, and all of the sudden it broke open again — or the scab came loose — and before you knew it, blood was going everywhere. . . And the process of healing had to begin all over again.

Perhaps you have felt all of these emotions — even though it hasn’t been an actual physical happening. Someone has betrayed your trust, wounded your spirit, thrust a dagger into the heart of you. Maybe it was an action you meant for good — and someone took it as evil. Maybe someone made their mind up about you because they listened to slander, and you couldn’t possibly change their formed opinion . . . Even if all the corn field sprouted wildflowers. Hold on! There STILL is a SAVIOR!!!!

When God first created this gorgeous place called earth, pain wasn’t in the process. Everything was beautiful, perfect, sinless, magnificent! The one instruction that God gave for our benefit was broken. That first sin brought the introduction of pain to our world. Now, pain is simply part of the process. It is our choice weather we “waste the pain” or allow God to use it for our good and His glory.

The beautiful, natural pearl we see displayed wasn’t beautiful in it’s beginning. It began as a tiny irritant to the oyster. Something that wasn’t supposed to be there! Yet, as the oyster continually covers that foreign object with layers of something called “nacre” the illustrious pearl is formed.

Pain begins as an irritant in our lives. It isn’t something we are necessarily overjoyed to receive at first. Only when we call on the Holy Spirit, and He releases His oil into our lives, can we watch that pain be covered and transformed into something of value.

His Holy Spirit makes it possible to forgive — and we must forgive to be forgiven ourselves. His Holy Spirit makes it possible to love — when humanly it’s impossible. His Holy Spirit will exchange our ugly old bitterness for a glorious peace and joy only He can give.

Turning our eyes to look toward the Cross, we see forgiveness in such rare, but marvelous form. “Father, forgive them . . .” our Savior pleads on behalf of those who nailed Him to the Cross. Bearing sins that didn’t belong to Him, carrying shame that should have been ours, paying a debt that wasn’t His to pay, choosing to lay down His life, to redeem His lost creation of man to the Father. What forgiveness! What mercy! What love!

And in the middle of our pain He will not leave us! He will walk the journey with us as long as we’ll let Him. He knows how we feel, and HE can heal — again, again, and again! Hallelujah!
Janene A. Dubbeld

Take it with You
““For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”
Matthew 6:14


Maresa said...

thank you

Anonymous said...

God bless you Janene, for opening our eyes again and again to His truth!!